Michael Orenstein Authors Article on Managing Supply Chain Cyber Risks in New York Law Journal

Michael Orenstein, Of Counsel, authored the New York Law Journal article, “Managing Supply Chain Cyber Risks,” which addresses the increase in supply chain disruption from ransomware and other cyber-attacks.  

These attacks have become more sophisticated, targeting the shipping and transport industry, seaports, food networks, water supplies, fuel distribution systems, hospitals, and city governments. Smaller organizations that lack the resources to implement robust cybersecurity measures are particularly vulnerable to these forms of attacks.

Michael explains, “[o]rganizations must also have a clear understanding of their legal obligations, including data protection laws, and implement measures to reduce their legal risks. Organizations should first undertake a risk assessment to understand their own vulnerabilities to cyberthreats.”

The article also provides best practices for risk assessment and mitigation, contractual obligations, vendor considerations, and insurance options.

To read the full article, click here. (Subscription may be required.)